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Our philosophy

Art on hillside

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Art, innovation and dynamism: those value are linked with the philosophy and the products of Fasol Menin. The winery, surrounded by the hillsides, matches perfectly with the landscape. Fasol Menin with its flavours blends in with the artistic surroundings. The chameleon, the symbol of the winery because of its versatility, in nature represent the Glera grapes that has found its perfect growing eniroment here in Valdobbiadene.


Wine and art together became Hillside art. Different but complementary moment of pleasure and culture. A perfect match that becomes clear on the labels of our products painted by local artists. The chameleon has been chose to show how the glera grape can blend with the terroir and how much the human can adapt to different situation during lifetime.


In 1812 the Fasol family erected the foundations of the village of the same name, which over the years has incredibly preserved its link with the past, remaining, to this day, a true museum of rural civilization. 

The entire structure, populated by the large patriarchal family, enjoyed a self-sufficient regime, a microcosm made up of men, women and children each with their own role.

Manual art was expressed through a variety of agricultural activities, which enabled the Fasols to become the hub of local commerce.

The cultivation of land and the wisdom of transforming and making various products allowed the family to cultivate grapevines with production and sale of white wine, red wine and grapes, then transforming it into vinegar and producing their own grappa from the pomace. In addition, livestock and silkworm breeding activities were carried out within the property, and thanks to a micro dairy with adjoining smokehouse, cheese and cottage cheese were produced. Another activity that brought a fair profit was small carpentry for the construction of barrels, furniture, wagons and tools.

Over the centuries, thanks to the same love for their land, knowledge and passion have been passed down through different family successions.

Today the priopriety is held by the Valdobbiadene Tramet family, which with pride and ethical consciousness follows the entire agricultural chain from which it produces the symbolic wine of the territory, Valdobbiadene Prosecco Superiore DOCG.



Giulia, Alessandro and Alberto are the young winemakers with the ambition to take the excellence of Valdobbiadene DOCG to new frontiers, thanks to a marked entrepreneurial dynamism and experience acquired since early childhood.

In an ever-changing world, only through the strength of tradition and generational change can the great challenges related to climate change and sustainability in general be overcome.


Fasol Menin is also a pink company, in fact 70 percent of the team is made up of women, who with passion and heroism are committed to the difficult work of hillside viticulture.

the team of the winery


Fasol Menin produce the Prosecco Superiore of Valdobbiadene with onor, passion and with ethical conscience following every step from the vineyard, going through the winemaking process up to the selling. In the winery we use the most advanced technologies that guarantee us high quality standards. We take care of our land by using sustainable methods in the vineyard and also in the winery.


Biodiversity Friend® certified, the company is committed to all-around sustainability through social projects, agronomic practices aimed at protecting the land, and engaging in improving the quality of the environment in which it operates, thus ensuring biodiversity.

Biodiversity Friend® 

Biodiversity Friend® is the first standard in agriculture that measures company performance in terms of environmental, social and economic sustainability. It promotes and valorizes a sustainable agriculture, respectful of biodiversity, territory and communities.

The protocol Biodiversity Friend® allows farmers to take a gradual improvement path of the agrosystem, guaranteeing to the consumers quality products obtained in territories with high naturality.

The main aim of Biodiversity Friend® standard is to harmonize production and conservation, the only way to a real sustainable development, able to give a future to the Planet and to the new generations. 

High biodiversity levels can be maintained in agrosystems by means of good agricultural practices like soil fertility conservation, sustainable water management, low impact methods of parasite control, woods and hedges conservation, the presence of nectariferous species and the use of rotations.


ENO-BEE is a project that aims to reintegrate the bee back into the vineyard. Bees and agriculture are an inseparable pair. In fact, bees play a key role in agriculture, promoting the pollination of flowers and consequently affecting the quality of fruit.
Their presence is an important indicator of the health of the surrounding environment. The bee itself acts as a guarantor of the healthiness of its habitat, as certain levels of pollution cause its demise. Bees thus perform the function of "environmental sentinels of the land" precisely because they are highly sensitive to changes in the ecosystem as a result of human action.
On this basis, the winery has decided to join the "Eno-bee Bees in the Vineyard" project, installing four beehives near the vineyards for the time being. The goal is to achieve with time the complete synergy between beekeeping and viticulture while respecting the environment, enhancing the concept of sustainable viticulture.

eno bee logo


Obtaining SQNPI certification related to the application of voluntary integrated pest management practices in the vineyard.
Integrated agriculture or integrated production is an agricultural system of production with a low environmental impact, as it involves the coordinated and rational use of all factors of production in order to minimize the use of technical means that impact the environment and consumer health.
SQNPI certification in viticulture is a testament to winemakers' commitment to increasingly sustainable agricultural practice in the interest of the environment and the end consumer.

sqnpi logo


The green manure technique is an ancient agrarian practice involving the planting of pure or consociated grasses, used to naturally fertilize the soil and thus benefit the vines, as well as make the soil more stable, helping in retaining water and decreasing erosion, making it indispensable in steeply sloping soils. There are also benefits in combating pests and many weeds with the help of the species used for vineyard grassing.



All our grapes are harvested by hand. Manual harvesting results in a qualitatively superior product to mechanical harvesting: the grapes are harvested intact (they are not crushed and the berries are not broken), berries or bunches compromised by disease or otherwise are removed, and plant residues that may end up in the harvest boxes are removed.


Under-row grass is weeded, ground and cut

ragazza che vendemmia a mano



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